The discovery has resulted with very beneficial technology which can be added to all existing boats and ships with the advanced hulls design we can offer for new boats manufacturing and ships’ construction projects.

We have innovated and tested the the product line which can be added to any and all existing boats and ships, and are searching for the wise collaboration partner for entering the technology to the vast consumers’ market we can not serve alone.

During our tests, we have found that our test boats lifted faster and in horizontal position with additional lifting ability for heavier loading, and also we found the invention adds two additional efficient cruising speeds before the better new top speed. We tested the innovation on PWC Jet-boat, a 12 foot Boat and 21 feet cruiser.

On ship model tests, we found that displacement hulls will not be lifted, but the special fins do add the flexible cavity advantages and will permit the multi layered hull’s lubrication and superior turning and horizontal stability for ships. Our Tow-Tank tests did not include self powered model in addition to the towed model.

More about the ADD-ON FINS